Poisson process

Results: 276

151Synchronize It / Poisson process / Database / Database management systems / Statistics / Web crawler

Effective Page Refresh Policies For Web Crawlers JUNGHOO CHO University of California, Los Angeles and HECTOR GARCIA-MOLINA Stanford University

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Source URL: oak.cs.ucla.edu

Language: English - Date: 2004-02-02 18:42:51
152Road traffic safety / Annual average daily traffic / Traffic collision / Risk / Traffic flow / Traffic / Poisson process / Lane / Driving side / Transport / Land transport / Road transport

Microsoft Word - Elvik formatiert

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Source URL: www.ictct.org

Language: English - Date: 2014-12-22 09:44:08
153Econometrics / Statistical models / Actuarial science / Discrete choice / Logit / Logistic regression / Poisson distribution / Poisson process / Poisson regression / Statistics / Categorical data / Regression analysis

Microsoft Word - cover.doc

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Source URL: www.szgerzensee.ch

Language: English - Date: 2013-02-04 12:43:02
154Stochastic calculus / Equations / Statistical mechanics / Stochastic differential equation / Langevin equation / Poisson process / Fokker–Planck equation / Differential equation / Stratonovich integral / Statistics / Stochastic processes / Mathematical analysis

Langevin description of markovian integro-differential master equations

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Source URL: www.physik.uni-augsburg.de

Language: English - Date: 2006-07-07 04:51:43
155Spectral theory / Martingale / Non-homogeneous Poisson process / Sturm–Liouville theory / Statistics / Stochastic processes / Poisson processes

Optimal investment on finite horizon with random discrete order flow in illiquid markets Mihai Sˆırbu, University of Texas at Austin based on joint work with Paul Gassiat and Huyˆen Pham from University Paris 7

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Source URL: www.fields.utoronto.ca

Language: English - Date: 2010-01-18 15:55:20
156Taylor series / Poisson processes / Concentration inequality / Compound Poisson process / Mathematical analysis / Chernoff bound / Binomial distribution

CS174 Lecture 10 John Canny

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Source URL: www.cs.princeton.edu

Language: English - Date: 2009-11-24 14:10:02
157Poisson processes / Poisson distribution / Exponential distribution / Binomial distribution / Probability distribution / Siméon Denis Poisson / Non-homogeneous Poisson process / Schrödinger method / Statistics / Mathematical analysis / Probability theory

Simulating events: the Poisson process Michel Bierlaire [removed] Transport and Mobility Laboratory

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Source URL: transp-or.epfl.ch

Language: English - Date: 2011-06-09 04:37:44
158Stochastic processes / Markov models / Markovian arrival processes / Poisson process / Phase-type distribution / Markov chain / Queueing model / Stochastic matrix / Erlang / Statistics / Markov processes / Queueing theory

Statistics & Operations Research c Institut d’Estad´ıstica de Catalunya Transactions

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Source URL: www.idescat.cat

Language: English - Date: 2010-12-27 07:49:53
159Economic growth / Technology / Markov processes / Welfare economics / Innovation / Poisson process / Zvi Griliches / Research and development / Productivity / Statistics / Economics / Macroeconomics

Innovating Firms and Aggregate Innovation∗ Tor Jakob Klette† and Samuel Kortum‡ February 8, 2002 Abstract: We develop a parsimonious model of innovating firms rich enough to confront firm-level evidence. It captu

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Source URL: www.card.iastate.edu

Language: English - Date: 2003-10-22 15:40:48

Supporting Information: Evolutionary Inference via the Poisson Indel Process Alexandre Bouchard-Cˆot´e 1

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Source URL: www.pnas.org

Language: English - Date: 2012-12-28 06:10:18